What Personal Habit Contributes to Your Success as a Financial Advisor?

Stephen Roth |

What Personal Habit Contributes to Your Success as a Financial Advisor?

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What Personal Habit Contributes to Your Success as a Financial Advisor?

To uncover the personal habits that pave the way to success in the financial advisory realm, we've gathered insights starting with a Founder Principal who emphasizes the power of goal-setting discipline. Alongside expert perspectives, we've also compiled additional answers that enrich our understanding of success in this industry. From embracing disciplined strategies to upholding ethical investing principles, join us as we delve into eight habits that can significantly contribute to a Financial Advisor's success.

  • Embrace Goal-Setting Discipline
  • Cultivate Client Empathy
  • Commit to Continuous Learning
  • Monitor Global Financial Trends
  • Prioritize Time Management
  • Maintain Client Communication
  • Advocate for Portfolio Diversification
  • Uphold Ethical Investing Principles

Embrace Goal-Setting Discipline

Believe in the power of goal-setting. I played sports growing up and college tennis. You don't just wake up one day and say, 'I want to be good at something.' Practice, training, and conditioning are all involved, which require time and sacrifices others might not be willing to make. I had professional goals to be independent and own my own financial planning firm when I started over 20 years ago in the industry. Financial planning is meant to engage us in our own goals so that we become truly vested in them. They are clear, real, specific, and measurable, so you know distinctly your track and progress. This helps organize the context for us to make better decisions daily and allows us more choice. Having more choices is instrumental for us to become who we want to be in life.

Stephen Roth 
Founder Principal, Limestone Financial Group

Cultivate Client Empathy

One habit that I believe contributes to my success as a Financial Advisor is my ability to empathize and connect with my clients on a personal level. In managing finances for a tech company, I deal with numbers daily. However, I remember that behind each digit is a person's hard-earned money. So, I make it a point to understand their goals, worries, and dreams. This ability to connect lets me tailor financial strategies to their individual needs and helps establish a trustworthy long-term partnership. My empathy results in happier clients and a thriving advisory.

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